If you’ve been living under a rock, you might not know what dermaplaning is, but if you scroll through Instagram you’ll notice thousands and thousands of posts using #dermaplaning with before and after pictures.
You might not have heard of this exfoliating technique or you may be wondering if you should incorporate it into your beauty regime.
Look no further then, TeenyB has you covered, as we breakdown just what the heck dermaplaning is, its pros and cons, and how to create flawlessly smooth skin.
So, Just What the Heck is Dermaplaning?
Put simply, dermaplaning is a skincare and exfoliating treatment that involves gently scraping the top layer of your skin to remove dead skin cells as well as vellus hair. The intended effect is to create smoother, more radiant skin.
Vellus hair are those fine hairs on your face, often called "peach fuzz".
Dermaplaning differs from other exfoliating treatments by using a scalpel’s edge to gently scrape. Comparatively, exfoliating treatments such as microdermabrasion “sand down” dead skin using an abrasive surface to renew your skin’s tone and texture.
What is the Average Cost of a Professional Dermaplaning Treatment?
If you plan on going to either a professional dermatologist or an esthetician, you can expect a level of professional-grade care that cannot be found at home or through a DIY session.
Accordingly, a treatment can cost anywhere from $150 to $200 depending on the area.
Similarly, other exfoliating treatments such as such as chemical peels cost nearly $700 dollars according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Dermaplaning at Home
COVID-19 has changed people’s daily lives. At least for now, some people feel uncomfortable going out and risking potential exposure to the virus. Understandably, this has led people to explore cheaper and safer dermaplaning options from the comfort of their homes.
With everything as stressful as it is, why not pamper yourself to this exfoliating treatment to help you destress at home to achieve some semblance of normalcy.
To do this safely and correctly, let us outline a few general points to be mindful of.
At most professional dermatologists’ offices an electric dermaplaning tool is used.
However, since we are dermaplaning at home, a manual tool such as this one can be bought online.
Additionally, separate packs of replacement razors are sold separately. Be sure to replace your razor frequently. Doing so is a preventative measure against infection.
As with any procedure, concerns about one’s safety are typical.
So, is dermaplaning safe, and does it hurt? Yes, dermaplaning is safe. No, it should not hurt. If it does hurt, you are pressing too hard with the dermaplaning tool.
Overall, dermaplaning is relatively safe. However, those with active or cystic acne, rosacea, and keratosis pilaris should avoid dermaplaning as it can cause further skin irritation.
In some sense, dermaplaning is like shaving and in some other respects, it is not. Before starting, you should cleanse the skin prior.
After that, hold the dermaplaning tool at a 45-degree downward angle and begin to gently shave downward to remove the facial hairs as well as your dead skin.
Afterward, it is typical to apply a moisturizer like monoi oil to hydrate the newly exposed skin.
Additionally, try to avoid applying makeup shortly after dermaplaning. Applying makeup too soon can irritate the skin.
Dermaplaning Side Effects

Like other exfoliating treatments, there some side effects to be mindful of. None of these are particularly painful or dangerous and can be mitigated with a few simple tips after a treatment.
After dermaplaning, you may notice some skin redness. That is a normal side effect and goes away quickly.
However, it is crucial to avoid long exposure to the sun, as much as we love lounging poolside in our bikinis, the newly exposed skin can burn easily. We recommend a gentle sunscreen. A sunscreen with an SPF30 rating should suffice.
Some do worry about stubble forming or the vellus hair becoming thicker. Luckily there has been no such study to prove this is the case and is more hearsay than anything else.
Pros and Cons

Having flawless skin does not have to cost an arm and leg to achieve. Dermaplaning is a cost-effective way to achieve bright and softer skin that helps makeup glides across your face. Now armed with the knowledge and know-how, you too can start hashtagging your Instagram posts with your results.